Milano Design Week 2024

"Amid significant global transformations, the question of how designers can address wide-ranging and significant societal and environmental challenges becomes paramount. At an event defined by its commitment to beauty and trends, DesignWanted has opted to focus on pressing issues that, in various ways, affect us all. For this reason, we chose to organize the ‘Enhance’ exhibition.
The decision to create an exhibition focused on social impact projects was driven by an awareness of the powerful intersection between design and society. In a constantly evolving world, design is not merely an aesthetic concern, but a driving force capable of shaping experiences, influencing behaviors, and addressing social challenges.
To achieve this, DesignWanted aims to showcase instances of impactful design that benefit communities and individuals at the world’s premier design event: Milan Design Week. The goal is to highlight that design transcends mere aesthetic appeal, focusing instead on significantly improving people’s lives."
— DesignWanted